Why Getting Ahead?
Getting Ahead in a just Gettin’ By World is a program designed to help individuals investigate their economic situation and develop tools for building a better life. “Getting Ahead” is facilitated with a small group of individuals (6-12) in a “kitchen table” learning experience.
“Getting Ahead gives those families who are willing to participate in the program the skills and networking opportunities they didn’t have before or didn’t even know existed. It’s a great return on investment – the entire community benefits as families continue to raise themselves up to economic vitality.”
–Getting Ahead Program Leader
St. Vincent de Paul’s Getting Ahead cohorts are a part of the GAIN Initiative, a network designed to move our community out of poverty together. For more information
on the GAIN Initiative, and to investigate other cohort offerings, please visit

Getting Ahead is a program in which participants (“investigators”) will, with the support of mentors:
- Be a part of a 16-week “kitchen table” learning experience consisting of 2.5 hour sessions.
- Examine their own experience of poverty as well as explore community issues that impact poverty such as banking, housing, jobs, and transportation.
- Assess their own resources as a part of a move to greater self-sufficiency.
- Gain concepts, tools, and relationships to make a difference not only in their own lives but in the life of the community.
Benefits of Participation:
- Receive a $25 gift card at the completion of each session
- Graduates of “Getting Ahead” may be eligible for a guaranteed microloan to pay off burdensome debt at a very low interest rate.
- Build relationships that will help you start getting ahead
“For someone who is considering going through Getting Ahead, I would say you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I guarantee there is something you’re going to learn from the material that is going to stick with you for the rest of your life.”
–Ermina, Participant

Mentors are an important key to the success of the Getting Ahead program. Mentors will:
- Help participants recognize their potential, identify barriers, and learn how to positively overcome those barriers.
- Assist participants in learning how to build positive relationships with others, access resources, and build confidence in their own ability and worth.
- Be “connectors” and encouraging friends. Mentors will check in with participants periodically to share their successes and be a sounding board through their struggles. Mentors are not expected to be experts in every area, but they are expected to be available, as needed.
- Share in their participant’s action plan/future story and determine, together, how you might be helpful through its implementation to listen and support the investigator in his or her decision making.
Support for Mentoring Teams:
Those who may be interested in becoming part of a Mentoring Team will be invited to attend a workshop focused on:
- A “Bridges Out of Poverty” overview and how its core concepts are the foundation for the Getting Ahead model
- Mentoring tools and skills for Getting Ahead program
“The biggest changes I saw in the investigators was the opportunity for them to look inside themselves and be very open and honest with a group of people, to really talk about where they were now and where they were going.”
–Barb, Facilitator

Sponsors are an important key to the success of the Getting Ahead program. As a sponsor, you will
- Have the ability to partner with those working to overcome their obstacles
- Support opportunities to help our community thrive together
- See real results: Over 175 households have moved forward on their journey toward stability through Evansville’s GAIN (Getting Ahead Initiative Network).
- Former participants now serve as mentors, facilitators, members of community advisory boards

Our Getting Ahead program invites anyone interested in making a difference in our community to join our team. We provide volunteer opportunities, both big and small:
- Meet with other volunteers and SVdP staff to join together to make a lasting impact.
- Assist with program services (meal provision, transportation, etc.) and general support.

Email: info@svdpevansville.org
Phone: 812-602-5182
Or complete the form below